Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I can't believe a week from today is Thanksgiving! Time is just going by so fast. Brent and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 11th. I laugh when I think about our nice steak dinner we went out for last year - and compare it with our take out Italian food we had this year. How a year and a baby change things! But I wouldn't trade any of it for the world! :)

Cade was a tiger for Halloween. Unfortunately, he didn't get to wear his costume but for like 20 minutes. We went to our church fall festival, and it was way to warm for him to wear it! Seriously, they must make these costumes with children that live in the Antartic in mind - it was ridiculously heavy! So we just put it on him when we got home so we could take some pictures. I know you will be shocked to know that in 20 minutes he still managed to drool and/or spit up all over it! So much for the thought of returning it.

Why does he not look as thrilled as we are? Maybe because its covering his mouth...oh and yeah still super heavy! Sorry Cade.

Cade was 3 months old on November 5 - look how big he's getting! AND how much he looks like his daddy!!

He's been trying for like 2 weeks to roll over. He goes from his back to his side and tries SO hard to turn onto his stomach, but with no luck...until today! I put him on his stomach and within a few minutes he had rolled onto his back! Here he is trying to roll over to his stomach:

This past weekend we had Brent's family in town. We had a surprise celebration for Brenda's birthday, and Sunday was the baby dedication at church. Here are some pictures from the weekend. We had a great time!

Here is Nana with all the kiddos! Cade is eating his bib and Keagan has a dog toy on his head. I love it!

Lastly...I'm pretty sure you've never seen a baby this cute before:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What's new!!

Oh my gosh its really been a month to the day since I've updated this blog! I feel like I'm often taking pictures so its not like I don't have plenty to add! Oh well, better late than never. :)

October 5, Cade turned 2 months old. And he's a chunker! We took him to the Dr for his 2 month check up. He got his shots which just broke my heart when he screamed! He weighed 13 lbs 8 oz and is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight. I took his picture that day next to his bear:

I just love the rolls in his legs! :)

As he continues to grow, we've had to get him bigger diago up in diaper size. Well, we moved to a size 2 a little too soon and...WARNING: don't go up in size until absolutely necessary!!! Doing so will cause major diaper leakage!!!

Yes, people, that is POOP!!

Moving on.. :)

We bought a playmat for Cade, and now spend quite a bit of time on it! We start on his tummy for a little bit, then we flip him over and lay him under the mirror. He stares at himself and oohs and aahs and has started to laugh a little bit, too! Its really cute :)

A few weeks ago, we went over to Todd & Lauren Dudley's house to visit with them and their baby Quinn, who is just a few weeks older than Cade. Neither baby was very happy:

Lastly...Brent and I went to Erin and Chad's wedding a few weeks ago. It was great to get out and leave Cade with Grandma and Grand "stud"!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cade's first road trip and newborn pictures

Two weeks ago we took Cade on his first road trip to Amarillo to visit his Nana, Papa and Brent's Granny and Papa. He did really well in the car, he didn't cry the entire way there, and just cried a little bit on the way home. Not bad for such a little guy on a 5+ hour car trip! We had a great time - see some pictures below from our visit.

Here is Nana giving him a bath! He pooped in the towel we used to try him off with. It was pretty funny :)

Cade and Papa!

Cade with Brent's Papa

Gigi with Cade...and Roxy and Chessie. They all wanted Granny's attention!

A few weeks ago we had Cade's newborn pictures taken. Here are a few of our favorites:

I'll take a minute to brag on our son - I think he is just the CUTEST baby EVER!!! :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

One month has come and gone!

Well, its been a month since Cade was born and we can't believe how fast time has gone by! His one month appointment was this past Friday and he weighs 10 lbs, 11 oz already! He really is getting big. He's in the 90th percentile for height and weight.
Let me be honest and say I had planned to be a dedicated "blogger" and update our site every week or so with the pictures...well, I quickly realized that with a newborn, I really don't have time!!! When Cade sleeps, I nap or do things around the house. I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on things, and so I'm going to play catch up and post pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy! :)

This picture makes me laugh. This was the outfit we took him home from the hospital in. Notice how HUGE the onesie is on him! I didn't care, I really wanted him to go home in Texas Tech stuff!! Plus it was from his Nana and Papa, they were in town and I thought they might want to see him in it!

I can't believe I'm posting this AWFUL picture of myself! But hopefully with such a cute baby in my arms, no one is looking at me :) This was when we got home from the hospital, it just shows how teeny tiny he was!!

Here is daddy and Cade taking a little nap. He's all swaddled up and Raider is poking his head in hoping for a little attention (obviously, Raider and Roxy have taken a backseat to the baby :)

Here Cade is sleeping in his glider. Randomly as he sleeps, he'll throw his arms up above his head with out waking up. Then, he'll lower them back down. Its like he's on a rollercoaster in his dream or something.

Bath time! Here is Cade's first bath. He was NOT he got his revenge on us at bath #2 - he peed and pooped as soon as we put him in the water. He showed us!!

Me and my little dinosaur!

Here is Cade with one of his future buddies, Clayton (Jake and Erin's 3 month old). I did my best to wake Cade up for this picture but he was just so tired!

The Dr. encouraged us to give Cade "tummy time" everyday to help him learn to lift his head and build strength in his neck and back. Well, tummy time quickly turned into nap time and needless to say, we had to try again later :)

Here is Cade, officially one month old!! The teddy bear will be our point of reference on the monthly pictures we take. He has really filled out a lot, look at those cheeks! :)

Hope everyone enjoyed my novel :) Sorry its so long - I'll try to do a better job of updating our blog on a regular basis!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

He's here!

Caden Wayne Burrows was born August 5, 2009 at 10:30 pm via c-section after 27 hours of labor. He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 22 1/4 inches long!! Here are a few pictures from our hospital stay - I am yet to put any of the new ones we've taken since we've been home on the computer (someone has been occupying my time :) We are so blessed to have him in our lives - I will add more pictures soon!

Hello, world!!!

First family picture! There was no where for me to put my hand where I could still turn my head. That is why its on my head.

Second family picture! Much better :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We are just days away!!!

Our countdown to Cade's arrival has quickly come down to just a matter of days!! We are going to the hospital Tuesday night to begin the induction process. I can't belive its already time! At my Dr appointment Friday, the sonogram estimated that Cade weighs within 10 oz of 7 lbs, 9 oz right now. It will be interesting to see how close they really are!

Please keep us in your prayers that everything goes smoothly! We will be updating everyone once he's here! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

We have a date!!

We are going to the hospital August 5 to be induced!!! I think when the Dr's assistant called me back to let me know to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. that day is when it REALLY set in. Cade will be here in less than 3 weeks!!!!!! We are very excited and just a little nervous!!

At our Dr appointment yesterday, Dr. Bailey estimates he currently weighs about 6.5 lbs. I'm also already dilated 1 cm (only 9 to go... ;)

His room is complete, except for the glider we are getting this weekend. Here are a few pictures:

View from the door (glider will be to the right of the window):

Cade's initials...for Caden Wayne Burrows

Growth chart. Brent re-did the chair railing so it would fit. It was too cute not to hang in his room! Both the initals and the growth chart were done by my friend Erin, who has started a business making them. I'm going to add her website to my blog so be looking for it!!

We are only suggesting where we think he should attend college...but no pressure. :)

Raider and Roxy anxiously awaiting the arrival of their little brother!! Little do they know the world is about to NOT revolve around them anymore! Its okay, we still love them and we know Cade will too :)

Scripture above his bed. We didn't know the gold would be so close to the wall color, but I really don't care - I love it!

Diaper cake from the shower at Brent's office. A friend of his has a girlfriend that makes them. We know some really talented people! So cute!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Cade is growing...a LOT

I went to the Dr today for my 34 week visit and sonogram. WOW this baby is really packing on the lbs!!! Here's the latest...

  • Cade weighs 5 lbs 12 oz!!! He is measuring a week ahead. Yikes...
  • He's got chubby cheeks and quite a bit of hair on his head from what the sonographer could tell!
  • The sonographer also commented that he has a large "sack"....yes that is what you think it is. I won't go into any further detail on this blog but let's just say we had a good laugh :)
  • He is healthy from everything the Dr could see - thank God!

My next visit is in 2 weeks, and at that point we can talk about a possible induction date. I'd really love to not go to 40 weeks or beyond, especially with the summer heat and now that we know he's fine in the weight department! To be continued!! :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family Baby Shower

This past Saturday, my mom and Lindsay hosted a wonderful baby shower for me! All of Brent's family and my family were able to be there and it we had a great time! Here are a few pictures:

The cake - almost too pretty to eat...but it was chocolate, so we couldn't let it just sit there. SO good! :)

My mom and Lindsay - aka the hostesses with the mostess :) Thanks for a fabulous shower!
Tammy, Brenda (aka Nana), me and Lisa :)

Andrea, Erica, me, Stephanie and Carrie
And last but certainly not least! Granny and I :)

We received a lot of great gifts for Cade. You don't think about all the stuff you need for a baby! Brent and I feel very blessed to have such amazing family and friends!
On another note, I did have a Dr appointment today. I'm seeing the other Dr.'s in the practice in case they should have to deliver me - which I hope is not the case, but I really liked the one I met today. Everything looks great! They drew my blood to make sure I'm not anemic, and I should have the results in a few days. I'll be going back in 2 weeks for another check up.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Baby Room...

The baby room is really coming along! The painting is finally done...we no longer have the circus stripes :) We are very happy with the way it turned out. Now, we just need a mattress so we can get the bedding put on, and then I'm ready to shop for accessories/wall decor. :) FUN!

I'll add more pictures when the room is complete.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Shower with Friends

This past Saturday some of my closest friends hosted an amazing baby shower for me! We had a great time and Brent and I got some great stuff for baby Cade. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!

Thank you to Tammy, April, Kristin and Jenee for a FABULOUS baby shower!!!

Can you believe how cute this cake spells out his name. I should also mention how good it was!! :) where do you think he will be encouraged to go to school??

Here's a picture of me with my mom and sister!

Kristy came in from Houston for the shower, which was so great! She's having a boy, too...just 2 weeks after me! It seems like everyone is having boys right now!

I have another shower this coming Saturday with family - so I will have more pictures to post next week! :)