The cake - almost too pretty to eat...but it was chocolate, so we couldn't let it just sit there. SO good! :)

My mom and Lindsay - aka the hostesses with the mostess :) Thanks for a fabulous shower!

Tammy, Brenda (aka Nana), me and Lisa :)

Andrea, Erica, me, Stephanie and Carrie
We received a lot of great gifts for Cade. You don't think about all the stuff you need for a baby! Brent and I feel very blessed to have such amazing family and friends!

On another note, I did have a Dr appointment today. I'm seeing the other Dr.'s in the practice in case they should have to deliver me - which I hope is not the case, but I really liked the one I met today. Everything looks great! They drew my blood to make sure I'm not anemic, and I should have the results in a few days. I'll be going back in 2 weeks for another check up.